Tuesday 28 January 2014

Marks So Far

So far 25% of my FYP has been completed, which is double weighted so is of massive importance in the outcome of my degree.

Proposal:    3.6% / 5%

Research:   7.6% / 10%

Presentation:   8% / 10% 

I currently have 19 out of a possible 25% so I'm quite happy, however the next stages of the project are going to be quite difficult and time consuming, including a prototype of the project, which is due next week.

It will be extremely difficult to achieve over 70 in this project overall and I'm already losing sleep over it!!!

Monday 27 January 2014


I had been working on the website most of the weekend, I decided to take a break Sunday evening and went out for a couple of hours, however I still found myself writing code in my head for part of the flash website...... so no chance to escape.............ROLL ON MAY!!